The Vibrant Colorado

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Old Colorado City is Great for Family Portraits

Having just moved here and enrolled our daughter in a new school, I find it very entertaining to kind of watch how she forms relationships and who she ends up gravitating towards. Since it was kindergarten the parents of the kids who hang out can kind of begin to hang out and even form gentle “cliques.” And as fortune would have it, while my wife was back in the stage of seeking motivation for fitness again, she came to find out that Isaac has a personal training and fitness business. As the months have past I am ecstatic to be able to support Isaac in what he’s doing for our community having been able to shoot his product line as well as his family. It’s a great honor as a photographer to find mutually beneficial relationships like the one we’ve formed with the Vela family, not just on a professional level but on a personal one where our kids are quite fond of each other as well. we love you guys and cheers to many more hangs, workouts, and photo ops to come!

If you want to check out Isaacs company and line of high end swag do that HERE!

Make sure you follow us on IG so you know where to find us!